Inca - Malaban Wash Flea, Lice & Tick Treatment
Recommended for: Dogs, cats and directly on kennels
Malaban Wash is a treatment that helps to control fleas, ticks and lice on dogs, cats and in kennel areas. It can also be used to control sarcoptic mange mites on dogs/cats and red mites in aviaries.
It must not be used on puppies or kittens (under 3 months) and does not control paralysis ticks.
For use on dogs for fleas - Mix 15ml of Malaban wash with 1L of water and use this solution to swab the animal. Repeat after 7-10 days if needed. You can also use this mixture to saturate the kennel area including cracks and crevices.
For use on dogs for sarcoptic mange and ticks - Mix 30ml of Malaban wash with 1L of water and use this solution to swab the animal. Repeat after 7-10 days if needed.
For use on cats for fleas - Mix 15ml of Malaban wash with 1L of water and use this solution to swab the animal. Repeat after 7-10 days if needed.
Aviaries for red mites and lice - Mix 15ml of Malaban wash with 1L of water. Take birds out and then spray the area. Return the birds when the area is dry.
Available in 250ml & 500ml sizes.